Battle of Ideas 2010 30 & 31 October, London

The Battle of Ideas 2010 was a two-day festival of high-level, thought-provoking debate organised by the Academy of Ideas and hosted by the Royal College of Art.

Battle News

Battle of Ideas 2010 Extended Press Coverage

Student Champion Tickets 2010

Five new Battles in Print published

Reading for Battle

Ferraris for All: In Defence of Economic Progress, Daniel Ben-Ami

A Merkel Attack on Multiculturalism, Kenan Malik

A pantomime battle for the soul of America, Brendan O'Neill

Battles in Print

Should schools be engines of social mobility?, Sally Millard

Remaking citizens for the ‘Big Society’, Kathryn Ecclestone

In drug policy, pragmatism is the only moral approach, Roger Howard & Leo Barasi

David Aaronovitch, columnist, The Times; author, Voodoo Histories; chair, Index on Censorship

Julie Bindel, journalist, author, broadcaster and feminist activist; research fellow, Lincoln University

Phil Booth, coordinator, medConfidential

John Cooper, leading criminal and human rights barrister; regular columnist, The Times and Observer; editor, Criminal Bar Quarterly

Frank Furedi, sociologist and social commentator; author, What's Happened to the University?, Power of Reading: from Socrates to Twitter, On Tolerance and Authority: a sociological history

Clare Gerada, GP; past chair, Royal College of General Practitioners

Tom Holland, award-winning historian; author, Rubicon: the triumph and tragedy of the Roman Republic; winner, 2007 Classical Association Prize

Bettany Hughes, president, Joint Association of Classical Teachers; broadcaster; author, The Hemlock Cup: Socrates, Athens and the search for the good life

Virginia Ironside, journalist; agony aunt, Independent; author, The Virginia Monologues: why it's great to be sixty

Rebecca Jenkins, cultural historian and novelist; Royal Literary Fund Fellow; former writing partner of Bishop of Durham, David Jenkins

Wendy Kaminer, US-based writer on law, liberty, feminism, religion, and popular culture; author, Worst Instincts: cowardice, conformity and the ACLU

Irma Kurtz, writer; broadcaster; agony aunt, Cosmopolitan Magazine; author, About Time: growing old disgracefully

Norman Lebrecht, writer, cultural commentator

Philippe Legrain, visiting senior fellow, LSE’s European Institute; author, Immigrants: your country needs them and European Spring: Why Our Economies and Politics are in a Mess – and How to Put Them Right

Paul Mason, broadcaster; author, Financial Meltdown and the End of the Age of Greed; technology editor, BBC's Newsnight

Munira Mirza, advisor on arts and philanthropy; former deputy mayor of London for education and culture; author, The Politics of Culture: the case for universalism

Brendan O'Neill, editor, spiked; columnist, Big Issue; contributor, Spectator; author, A Duty to Offend: Selected Essays

Tim Parks, novelist, essayist and translator; author of Teach Us to Sit Still: a sceptic’s search for health and healing and Dreams of Rivers and Seas; associate professor of English and translation, IULM University, Milan

Steve Rayner, James Martin Professor of Science and Civilization; director, Institute for Science, Innovation and Society, University of Oxford

Anthony Seldon, master, Wellington College; historian; political commentator; author, Trust: how we lost it and how to get it back and Brown at 10

George Szirtes, reader in creative writing, UEA; poet; editor; translator; author, The Burning of the Books and Other Poems

Raymond Tallis, fellow, Academy of Medical Sciences; author, philosopher, critic and poet; recent books include NHS SOS and Aping Mankind; chair, Healthcare Professionals for Assisted Dying

GM Tamás, visiting professor, Central European University; author, Les Idoles de la Tribu

Tarun J. Tejpal, founder and editor, Tehelka; former editor, India Today; novelist; author, The Story of My Assassins

Mark Walport, director, Wellcome Trust; Government Chief Scientific Adviser (from April 2013)

David Willetts MP, Minister of State for Universities and Science; author, The Pinch: how baby boomers took their children's future - and why they should give it back

David Yelland, partner, Brunswick Group LLP; former editor, The Sun; author, The Truth About Leo

Peter York, broadcaster, management consultant, journalist and author

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"A rigorous and invigorating exchange of ideas that transcended cliché."
Cory Doctorow, Novelist; co-editor,

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Academy of Ideas
